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【活動】2024年借閱達人有禮活動開跑!”2024 Annual Top Borrowers Award” event is coming







全年度借閱圖書總冊數為全校前三名 + 各學院第一名者,將於圖書館網頁公布名單並獲贈獎品及獎狀。






愛心2024 “Annual Top Borrowers Award” event is coming愛心

To thank all the students who are enthusiastic about reading, the library continues to hold the Annual Top Borrowers Award” event. Everyone who borrows books from the school’s library can participate in and have the chance to win wonderful prizes! The details of the event are as follows:


1Seasonal Borrowing Experts愛心

The top three borrowers for each season in the entire school will be announced on the library’s website and will receive prizes.


2Annual Borrowing Experts愛心

The top three borrowers for the entire year in the entire school and the top borrower from each college will be awarded certificates and gift.


●Important points:

1.Winners must collect their prizes in person at the library within the specified period. Failure to do so within the deadline will result in the forfeiture of the prize, and the prizes will be handled by the library.

2.The library reserves the right to make final modifications, changes, interpretations, and cancellations of the event. Any relevant updates will be announced on the website, and no separate notifications will be given.

2024年借閱達人有禮活動開跑!”2024 Annual Top Borrowers Award” event is coming

上架者:閱覽組(02)8674-1111 轉 68351~68352 發布日期:2024-01-04