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【網路服務異動 / Network Service Interruption】1/9(四)17:00~19:00 及 1/10(五) 9:00~11:00 圖書館網路服務受影響

本校資訊中心為提升調整骨幹交換器效能,安排於民國114年1月9日(四) 17:00~19:00進行三峽校區骨幹交換器調整作業;1月10日(五) 9:00~11:00進行臺北校區骨幹交換器調整作業。作業期間將影響本校對外網路連線服務,並會有網路服務不穩定或暫時中斷的情形發生。詳見資訊中心公告

1/9 (Thu.) 17:00~19:00 & 1/10 (Fri.) 9:00~11:00 The library network services will be affected.


Scope of affected library services:

1. 圖書館各項資訊網路系統或有連線不穩或中斷情形(包括:圖書館網站、館藏查詢系統、電子資源檢索、北聯大代借代還、空間座位預約與報到、臺北取書櫃、影印列印服務)。

1. The library’s information network systems, such as the library website, webpac, E-Resource, borrowing and returning books through the University System of Taipei, making reservations and checking-in through i-Reserve System, book lockers at Taipei Campus, and printing services, may experience unstable or interrupted connections.

2. 圖書館及圖書館所屬自習室(含歐趴室、峽想室、法412)正常開放,但歐趴室報到可能受影響

2. The library and its associated study areas (including All Pass Room, Dream Room, and Room 412 of the Law School) will remain open as usual. However, the check-in for the All Pass Room may be affected.



We’re sorry for any inconvenience.

上架者:推廣服務組-68343 發布日期:2025-01-06